
At Mockup Studio we have a high specialization in legal firms, thanks to the trust of our clients we have developed applications and processes that improve internal and external communication in the main legal firms in Mexico.

Legal Firm

Galicia Abogados S.C

Galicia Abogados has been our client for over 8 years, trusting us with several of their main digital marketing systems and operations.

Creel, García-Cuellar, Aiza y Enriquez S.C.

CCGAE has been our client for more than 8 years with the implementation of a custom Legal Intranet and legal apps.

Mijares, Angoitia, Cortés y Fuentes S.C.

MACF has been our client for over 5 years with the creation, hosting, and maintenance of their website, as well as the portal for alumni.

Cacheaux, Cavazos & Newton S.C.

CCN entrusted us with the design and development of their website in 3 languages based on their new corporate image, as well as compliance with international standards for website accessibility (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)

Cass Abogados S.C.

CASS Abogados entrusted us with the design of its new corporate image as well as the modernization of its website.

Sánchez Labrador, López Martinez S.C.

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Medina Abogados S.C.

Medina Abogados S.C. entrusted us with the design of its new corporate image as well as the modernization of its website.

Brooks Martinez S.C.

Brooks, Martínez y Asociados S.C. entrusted us with the design of its new corporate image as well as the modernization of its website.